Last September during one of the GOP debates the crowd gave the loudest cheer of the night for Rick Perry at the mention of his record number of executions. Yee doogie.
– Look whether you are for or against the death penalty you don’t cheer it like a *&^^%$% overtime game winning field goal. (Unless you are Billy Cundiff).
Want to take a guess at the percentage of people at that debate that would classify themselves as Christians?
I guess that would be the "eye for an eye" Christians (Old school). Luckily we do have the New age JC followers - he overruled the old man with "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." Thank God eh? We could use a few more of them at the debates.
But I had better be careful here as I am walking on thin ice. Not my expertise and I digress.
Newt Gingrich says he won’t “allow” the moderators of future GOP presidential debates to keep the crowd out of it.
No noise - No Newt – REALLY? When did crowd participation become an integral part of presidential debates???
I went back and at looked at the video of the first televised presidential debate – 1960 Richard Nixon and John Kennedy. I didn’t hear any hooting and hollering – nobody yelling “Git er done or hang him, or you’re the man Tiger”. What the hell – Walter Cronkite would have gone all Dan Rather on 'em.
The debate is …. well it’s a debate, not a talk show or MMA match. Come on! That’s why I didn’t run for class president in high school. Running against the hot shot quarterback - I would have looked like John King after he opened the debate with that question for Newt about his second wife's claims against him. Man - Newt jumped up the corner turnbuckle, walked on the top rope and jumped down on King's chest, knocking the wind out of him and whipping the crowd into a frenzy.
Now, should King have led off with that question – I don’t think so. Was it worth asking – I don’t know but…….
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Gingrich performs the Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka on an unsuspecting John King |
Newt was appalled and the dogs were let loose – and Mitt was cooked. Listen to the video and hear the crowd chant, hoot and holler. Newt has been masterful at whipping the crowd up and feigning shock at the depravity the media is capable of sinking to (not a bad play for a serial cheater who was reprimanded when he served as the House Speaker. He was ordered to pay an unprecedented $300,000 penalty; the first time in the House's 208-year history it has disciplined a speaker for ethical wrongdoing.) But Newt’s double barrel blast of the media contributed to his come from behind victory in South Carolina over a gob-smacked Romney.
In the Florida debate that followed the audience was not allowed to spontaneously channel a box car of hillbillies and Romney (in debate style) carved up Newt who looked lost without his cheerleaders.
Following that debacle Gingrich took the opportunity to blast the media.
“I wish in retrospect I had protested when Brian Williams took [the crowd] out of it because I think it’s wrong,” he said. “I think he took them out of it because the media is terrified that the audience is going to side with the candidates against the media, which is what they’ve done in every debate.”
The crowd was asked to hold their applause until the breaks, and moderator Brian Williams did not pull a "John King". Newt didn’t get the Springer-bounce from his supporters as he did in S.C. He was lost.

“We’re going to serve notice on future debates that we won’t tolerate — we’re just not going to allow that to happen,” Gingrich continued. “That’s wrong — the media doesn’t control free speech. People ought to be able to applaud if they want to. It was almost silly.” Free Speech huh? Ever see anyone start yelling critica l things at presidential candidates?
How about we go retro on this and everyone shut their pie hole – Maybe it won’t be exciting but we have plenty of other outlets for that behavior – like executions.
So what happens if Newt becomes president – imagine he’s on the phone with the Russian Prime Minister who is kicking Newt’s ass like nobody’s business. Gingrich feeling he needs to feed off the energy of his followers snaps his fingers and into the oval office walks the South Carolina audience (now working as Newt’s private full time entourage). Newt now energized jumps up on the table and metamorphoses into a woman guest of Jerry Springer show telling Vladimir Putin