Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Louisiana Doubles Down on Dumb

Who Dat
The headline from Reuters read Louisiana's bold bid to privatize schools but it could have as easily read “We plan on becoming dumber than a bag of hammers” 
Via Reuters
Louisiana is embarking on the nation's boldest experiment in privatizing public education, with the state preparing to shift tens of millions in tax dollars out of the public schools to pay private industry, businesses owners and church pastors to educate children.

Like Louisiana didn’t have enough problems.  Shiteeeeeee. 
What has happened to our country that we know do not trust the government to run our public education but we are more than happy to pack them off to a one room school house like we did their great-great grandfathers.  "Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free" and we will educate them like we did one hundred and fifty years ago.  So much for progress.

Via Reuters
"We are changing the way we deliver education," said Governor Bobby Jindal, a Republican who muscled the plan through the legislature this spring over fierce objections from Democrats and teachers unions. "We are letting parents decide what's best for their children, not government."
Hey Gov. Bobby Joe Billy Bob – I have a suggestion for you.  Why don’t you change Louisiana’s infant mortality rate (highest in the nation –edgamakation kant buy you dose numbers! )

Here’s some other numbers y’all might want to work on.
 (Research courtesy of wonkette.com). 

The school willing to accept the most voucher students -- 314 -- is New Living Word in Ruston, which has a top-ranked basketball team but no library. Students spend most of the day watching TVs in bare-bones classrooms. Each lesson consists of an instructional DVD that intersperses Biblical verses with subjects such chemistry or composition.
The Upperroom Bible Church Academy in New Orleans, a bunker-like building with no windows or playground, also has plenty of slots open. It seeks to bring in 214 voucher students, worth up to $1.8 million in state funding.

So Louisiana is going to teach the three R's - Republican, Regression and the Dismantling of the American Public Education System (I know that doesn't start with R but it won't matter soon)
People from all over the world come here so their kids can get a public education (with any luck they will have read this blog and will skip Louisiana  - waste of timeeeeee) and yet Bobby Jindal knows better than the government that instituted that system.  Are there problems with the current system.  Of course but do you things that are going to happen like detailed below are any better????
At Eternity Christian Academy in Westlake, pastor-turned-principal Marie Carrier hopes to secure extra space to enroll 135 voucher students, though she now has room for just a few dozen. Her first- through eighth-grade students sit in cubicles for much of the day and move at their own pace through Christian workbooks, such as a beginning science text that explains "what God made" on each of the six days of creation. They are not exposed to the theory of evolution.
"We try to stay away from all those things that might confuse our children," Carrier said.
I wish I could end on that quote but I have just two more things to say.

Under full disclosure - I sleep with a teacher and my son is in school to become one.  Do you think that really had anything to do with my response.  Come on man.

PS. Can we sell Louisiana back to France???? Retourner la vente de la Louisiane