Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Boycott Arizona for its anti-gay legislation - I have a better idea!

Many are calling for the boycott of Arizona in the wake of their proposed anti-gay legislation.

A bill, SB 1062, passed by the Arizona legislature awaits the signature of Republican Gov. Jan Brewer. The law would allow business to reject gay and lesbian customers, employers to skimp on equal wages for its female employee and individuals to break contract obligations – all under the guise of religious freedom.

I say Arizona isn't going far enough.  What about adulators and masturbators?  Both practitioners are admonished in the bible.
What's with the free ride?  Arizona hasn't gone after them like they have after gays and people of brown skin.
Republicans are trying to to turn the Bible into the basis for American law.
Shouldn't adultery which is much more common than homosexuality be on their biblical radar?   Let's check the relative interest by searching the internet for the following combinations.

Google results
Bible and homosexual 4,180,000 results
Bible and adultery - 3,940,000 results
Bible and masturbation - 42,000 results

Wow!  The results indicate a greater interest in homosexual as a topic than adultery.  Masturbation isn't even on the radar.  Of Arizona's population of 6,626,624 people they has to be more than 42,000 teenage boys who have googled masturbation to see if they would go blind.

Even though Adultery is specifically mentioned in the Ten Commandments Arizonians are still more worried about homosexuals.  It appears that people get madder if you sleep with their brothers than their wives. 

Maybe they're afraid if they had a similar ban for adulterers and masturbators that every teenage boy would flee the state as would half of their adult male and female population and not to mention, a few sheep.

We know this is not Arizona’s first dip of their golden tanned toes into the waters of intolerance.  Remember Arizona refusal to support the implementation of a holiday to honor Martin Luther King.

Arizona is also home to Sheriff Joe Arpaio who is scheduled to be deposed by the Justice Department for a litany of civil rights violations against Latinos – the "unlawful and unconstitutional" targeting and detention of people because of their "race, color or national-origin."

Arizona faced further boycotts for its' “The Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act” Arizona Senate Bill 1070.  It is the broadest and strictest anti-illegal immigration measure in recent U.S. history.

And here we are once again discussing boycotting Arizona for another piece of hateful discriminatory legislation.  Boycott, boycott, boycott.......

I say we aren't going far enough.  Boycotts don’t seem to bother them.  Hell, I think they rather like them. Like a feather in their cap.  Time to step in up a notch.
Let's use their own logic; as native son Barry Goldwater once said
" I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"

I'm in Barry - let's go.  Let's defend gay people's liberty.
How about bombing Arizona?
That'll get their attention!  Hell, another one of their native sons is an advocate for bombing.
Sen. McCain once sang about bombing Iran at a fund raiser to the chorus of the Beach Boys' classic "Barbara Ann" — "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway....”.  That was covered nicely in the most popular version by Vince Vance & The Valiants.

Bombing too much for you?  Okay, how about an embargo like we have against Cuba or Iran.  If Arizona is going to act like a third-world country then let's treat them like one.

Henceforth we will not ship any sun tan lotion or water to Arizona.
Let them get a little thirsty.  Let the sun take them from a nice base of brown to a third degree burn.

I give them a few days and they will come crawling back with arms outstretched to welcome back gays, Latinos and teenage boys.
That oughta do it.


  1. Yeah, and you aren't' supposed to be lying or coveting your neighbor's home. Just bomb Phoenix - Tucson and Bisbee are their Austin equivalents. I don't want to see any old hippies get hurt.

  2. This bill just gives the right of private companies to run the way they want, however morally wrong that may be. To be clear, I support gay rights and certainly would ban gays/lesbians from a store I owned, but I also wouldn't want to be told who I have to accept and not accept by the Federal Govt. either. As for the "bombing" comments, I realize these are with a bit of toungue and cheek, but didn't Sarah Palin get heavily criticized for making similar statements? Double standard, perhaps??
