Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Shoeless Jon Huntsman

Ever since I saw “Field of Dreams” I have had a fantasy about going to Iowa and walking the baseball field immortalized in that classic movie.  But something tells me since Shoeless Joe Jackson walked out of that cornfield he took Iowa’s brains with him.  Seriously – have you seen the results from the Iowa Caucus?

 Of course that guy that has no chance of winning because he’s a Mormon (and they either sacrifice children or wear magic underwear I can’t remember which) came in first but it’s the rest of results that are just surprising.  Iowa LOVES CRAZY – they were all over that beloved gang of social conservative, evangelical, loves America more than we do, and vaccines make you retarded candidates or as most of America sees them (check the polls I’m not lying – well, maybe a little) your "GOP Loons Of the Month" – Santorum, Bachmann, and Perry.

 But how does a guy like Jon Huntsman get so little love - former governor of Utah, worked in four presidents administrations - with the Gipper for Christ's sake - you should anoint him for that alone.   Huntsman was appointed by George H.W. Bush as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and later as United States Ambassador to Singapore from 1992–1993. Served as Deputy United States Trade Representative under George W. Bush, launching global trade negotiations in Doha, Qatar in 2001 and guiding the accession of China and Taiwan into the World Trade Organization.
He was the CEO of his family's Huntsman Corporation!!!  He is Romney on steroids man!.  He served as chairman of the Western Governors Association and as a member of the Executive Committee of the National Governors Association. Huntsman was appointed by Obama as the United States Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.  He can say Chinese words - I want to have take-out with him.....
He got  0.6% of the vote??????  745 people (for every 1 Huntsman supporter they are 8.15 Bachmann supporters or 402.69 Santorum supporters or as most of know 402.69 of disgusting name for a foul act if you google Santorum.  You don't want any of that.

Look I understand the knock on Huntsman – he served in the Obama administration as the ambassador to China, he supports civil unions for gays and lesbians and his moderate tone on the campaign trail.  I got it – he doesn’t sell pizzas and he ain’t crazy. 
I’m for Obama (another blog might cover how disappointed I am in him or how I think Hillary would have done a better job but that is for another time). I want him to win but come on Iowa - New Hampshire is laughing at you. What's with the Republican death wish – don't you want to win?

You continued fascination with crazy – America ain’t buying it guys – you need to let go.  I wouldn’t be surprised if your other fancies -  the Tea Party doesn’t get its ass handed to them for being obstructionist during the recent debt ceiling crises.

Let’s look at your GOP-LOMs eh? -
Santorum – a guy who was voted out in his own state and so pissed off the gay community by stating that  mutually consenting adults do not have a constitutional right to privacy with respect to sexual acts and comparing consensual homosexual acts to  adultery, polygamy, child molestation, incest, sodomy, and bestiality that they turned his name into a Google minefield (go ahead google “Santorum”. I'll wait - just make sure you put your browser in the private mode - you won't want your kids to see what you have been up to and take a airline sickness bag - you have one don't you?.)

Bachmann - she suggested at a presidential campaign event in Florida that the 2011 East Coast earthquake and hurricane was a message from God, or telling a story of a woman who claims that her little daughter took a vaccine and suffered from mental retardation thereafter, or that she tried to channel long-dead Senator Joe McCarthy when she wished the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America???
Perry - Texas’ smarter Bush - he managed with his despicable gay bashing video to displace Justin Bieber as the most hated video on youtube.  No small task there.

Hell.... Cain who dropped out of the race got 1/12  of the votes of Jon Huntsman – 9.99 that!  Huntsman's best quote - "To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy"
Well call me crazy too Jon - I don't get the lack of GOP love...

What’s even crazier is that according to polling sites (http://www.realclearpolitics.com and http://www.rasmussenreports.com  ) Obama loses to a generic Republican but when you plug in your LOM Obama beats them all – What’s that all about????  What does that say about your candidates?
Look don’t listen to me – I want you to lose – but I would really like to respect you in the morning and right now I can’t.

And the final word – in recent Rasmussen report poll 76% of people “ Say Wealthy Like Kim Kardashian Already Pay Enough in State Taxes” – I don’t know about you but I think the Kardashians can’t pay enough……


  1. Jon Hunstman didn't invest heavy time or money in Iowa. He looked ahead to NH and his numbers are better there. He has also done nothing to distinguish himself from the pack of non-Romney's. Besides he is also a Mormon so what is the point? By your logic he couldn't get elected either.

  2. Thanks for the comment - I have edited the original post to better highlight Huntsman's "resume"- you are absolutely right on Huntsman's religion. He has stated that he is more spiritual than religious. The Mormon factor should not be an issue but it is. What I am surprised at is Huntsman's "non-existent" poll numbers - money,time or religion notwithstanding he is an impressive candidate and the current LOM's are not electable.

  3. From a non-mormon Utahn that worked closely with Huntsman on clean energy and climate issues, I'm not surprised he's not doing well. He listens to scientists (although he recently nuanced his position on climate), he is bright, thoughtful and far too moderate for the today's republican party...

    1. We had a discussion the other day at Happy Hour how, often enough to make you uncomfortable, Ron Paul seems like the sanest guy on the stage. I personally think that what is going on is the destruction of the republican party as we have known it for the last 30 years. What will emerge is not clear, but this rift has Rushbo bashing Newtie and Ricky and supporting Mittens. Also what I think is interesting is how the big money turned loose by the Supremes is hurting the reps. I don't like the decision and think that it needs to be changed - possibly by an amendment - but I do find it interesting that the first victims are the current republican office seekers.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
