Saturday, October 13, 2012

Me and Sarah Silverman have a great idea to help spend Sheldon Alderson's money!

Romney will cut the top tax rates saving CEO Alderson $1.5 million

Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire twenty four times over, is willing to spend up to 100 million dollars to defeat President Obama. Adelson has said he will do “whatever it takes”.

Adelson is taking advantage of his ability to contribute an unlimited amount of money to so-called "super PACs (Political Action Committees).

The proliferation of Super PACS has campaign finance reformer John McCain spinning in his grave. 
Do you know what babysitters are getting per hour these days?

I am of course not referring to septuagenarian John McCain, 2008 presidential candidate and foster parent to Sara Palin but rather Maverick John McCain senator of Arizona who rode off into the sunset some time ago. 

Maverick John McCain championed legislation on campaign finance.  The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) of 2002, also known as "McCain-Feingold" prohibited unregulated contributions (commonly referred to as "soft money") to national political parties.  Earlier legislation like the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) of 1972 attempted to restrict the influence of wealthy individuals by limiting individual donations to $1,000 and donations by PACs) to $5,000. These specific election donations are known as ‘hard money.’
Not that shitty Mel Gibson Maverick

This all changed when the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United v. FEC.  It drastically changed the landscape of political contributions and has allowed uber-rich individuals to contribute unprecedented amounts of money. Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers have pledged to spend up to $400 million to advance their agenda and defeat President Obama.
Sheldon Adelson has spent more money than any other American to defeat President Obama.

But I have an idea – I am offering to help Sheldon spend his money.  Just like Ben Stein.

I mean you just don’t go tossing 100 million dollars around.  We tried that in Afghanistan and Iraq and look how that turned out? 
Won't fit on a milk carton

Presidential elections results swing on as little as 537 senior citizen hanging chads.  Those 25 electoral votes gave W a narrow 5 vote Electoral College victory.  Other elections were not as closely contested as in 2008 when Obama won North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes by 13,692 votes.  Or W over Kerry in New Mexico where there are no PT boats by 5,988.  

You think I would have any problem taking Sheldon’s $100 million and dividing it between 538 independents who would be willing to move to Florida and vote for Romney?  Each relocated voter would get $186,219.74.   
Well actually they would only get $186,000.  I need to wet my beak if you catch my drift.
I will recruit independents who agree to vote for Alderson's Romney and move them to any state that would make a difference to the election. 

instead of a Woody
You could have had a Chuck instead of a Woody
Just look at the 1916 presidential election.  By a margin of 56 votes in New Hampshire and 3773 in California Woodrow Wilson (D) beat Charles Hughes to become our 28th president.  Sheldon cost per vote in 1916 was $26,116.  I think I can find 3773 people who will take 26 thousand dollars to move to California.  It might cost a little more to get them to move to New Hampshire.  Hey I’m just saying.  I am being frank here.  I live in Buffalo.  I know how the game works.   Sheldon would only have required $ 4,732,000 in 1916 dollars to pull it off.  Awesome!

During the 1960 Kennedy – Nixon election I would only have needed 28,524 voters to change the outcome.  Sheldon’s cost per vote requiring a little more haranguing but for $3505 per vote we could have gotten Tricky Dick a full 12 years earlier.

Now Sheldon you can stop reading here.  You need to recover the $16.5 million you gave Newt Gingrich during the Republican primary.  

Now that Sheldon is out of the room I am going to let you in on a little secret.  Me and my new 538 friends will move, but we’ll vote for who we want to.  We will just have one hell of a party.  I am just pointing out the obvious since the Supreme Court ruling.  We have opened ourselves up to the possibility of an individual or small group of individuals with an "endless" supply of money influencing our electoral process.

Now I only want to give Sheldon the election Sarah Silverman wants to give him an erection.
Thanks Sarah - you rock

Sarah has made an indecent proposal to Adelson: give the same amount to Obama instead and she will engage in "traditional lesbian sex" with the 78-year old.

Do you how many Republican billionaires are giving money to Romney?  Silverman asked in the following video.  All of them.  How many of them are getting scissored by a bikini-bottomed Jewess with big naturals? How many, Sheldon?

Visit the link above to learn more about Sarah's brave offer. 


  1. You need to come into the 21st century. In the old days it was one person/one vote. Now is one dollar/one vote. Similar to job creation it is called vote creation and will trickle down on to those of us who haven't worked hard enough to create a lot of votes.

  2. Do you know how many votes Obama is buying by Not enforcing laws of the land and helping states to remove illegal immigrants instead of suing them? BTW: I thought the President was sworn to uphold the laws of the land. Guess I misread that one...

  3. There needs to be a comprehensive policy on immigration. States like Arizona that have laws that compromise basic civil rights need to be sued. Many illegal aliens are law abiding citizens who often do the work that most Americans won't do. It is an issue but it is not the issue. Regarding voting.
    There is clearly an effort to roll back hard fought civil right voting acts. Let's not pretend that the minorities haven't leaned democratic and that any effort to reduce those numbers won't help the Republicans. The reality is five years after the Bush administration began a crackdown on voter fraud, the Justice Department has turned up virtually no evidence of any organized effort to skew federal elections, according to court records and interviews. It is just another issue used to obfuscate the real issues.
