Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Election is over. Can we finally say goodbye to the Crazies?

Alf Landon - "What me Worry?" lost in 36
 If you supported President Obama you can breathe a sigh of relief.  If you supported Mr. Romney well…… I want you to climb down off from that chair.
That’s good, take the noose off first if you please.  Republicans - I understand how you feel – anger, denial, depression.  In 2004 - Bush over Kerry.  I was crushed.  You have my sympathies.  Took me a long time to get over that.  
Some guy named Al that lost in 1926
Now that the election is over there are some big things that I would like to see happen.  We all know that the debt has to be addressed.  Entitlements and Taxes have to be on the table.  Like the Grand Compromise that Obama and Boehner worked on during the last debt ceiling debate before it fell apart.
But before I get too far ahead of myself on the future I want to address the tone going forward.  I have to blow off some steam.  It has been building for some time now.

                 The Crazies – I have had it with them – I would like them to go away – forever.
At least you now know who she is

People like Victoria Jackson, Ted Nugent, Chuck Norris and Donald Trump.  Last night these completely unhinged lunatics lost their minds on twitter.  

“I can't stop crying. America died.” – Victoria Jackson, former SNL cast member to which she followed up with “The Democrat Party voted God out and replaced Him with Romans 1. In the Good vs. Evil won.”
America died?????  Victoria no stranger to hyperbole should get this.  You weren't funny on SNL and you should go away.

Cat Scratch Shit for Brains
Ted Nugent no slouch to crazy piped in with “Pimps whores & welfare brats & their soulless supporters hav a president to destroy America

Donald Trump fired what I hope would be the last of his non-lucid rants
NBC News anchor Brian Williams commented on Trumps’ tweets. “Donald Trump has driven well past the last exit to relevance and veered into something closer to irresponsible.”
Couldn't have said it better myself Brian.

But I saved the pièce de résistance for the craziest of crazies.
 Chuck Norris jumps the shark while going full tilt bonkers in a bat shit crazy mode post in a YouTube video.  He hangs on for dear life to his daughter wife where they issue a dire warning to America, claiming that U.S. citizens face "1,000 years of darkness" if President Obama is reelected for a second term in November. 
My toupee must have eaten into my brain
Serious Chuck????  A 1000 years of darkness!!  Like Hitler’s German Reich that was supposed to last 1000 years but came up 988 years short?. What the fuck are you talking about????   Have you ever seen Mel Gibson and Chuck Norris in the same room?  Me neither.

None of us look like Leonardo
 Please…I am hoping that finally America has gotten that stuff out of its system – no more dark ages, socialist, birther, Muslim, taking my gun away  kind of stuff.  Now of course there are crazies on the left.  But they generally threaten to leave the country if their candidate loses (I'm talking to you Alex Baldwin).  Of course no one is leaving.  Unless you are Leonardo DiCaprio and you go to France monthly with some new hot girlfriend.  Leaving the country is different than telling the rest of us that we are soulless blood sucking leaches on the ass of humanity and that America is dead.  
Why don't they ever threaten to leave?

I know most of you don’t want to hear this but we just elected a moderate president – that’s right.  The Marxist Socialist is a Blue Dog Democrat. 
Even worse in an article on  
“Cheer Up, Republicans.  You’re going to have a moderate Republican president for the next four years: Barack Obama.”
Me - I lost in 1940 to FDR

I am currently reading Bob Woodward’s “The Price of Politics”.  I am not finished yet and there is another blog coming about the book but it is surprising to see how Obama is portrayed.  Far more centrist and conservative than anyone would have guessed.  Again reinforced in the in the Slate article referenced above “in last year’s debt-ceiling talks, Obama offered cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in exchange for revenue that didn’t even come from higher tax rates. Now he’s proposing to lower corporate tax rates, and Republicans are whining that he hacked $716 billion out of Medicare. Some socialist.”

So Republicans pull up that chair you were standing on a few minutes ago and let’s see if we can’t channel the ghosts of Tip O’Neill and the Gipper and get something done.  And while we are at it, let’s turn our back on the loons.
I lost in 72 but somehow my campaign melded with the Brady Bunch and "My Little Ponies"


  1. Nice job Cuz well written as always..You hit the nail on the head regarding the "crazies"..I want to share with you a couple of my post election opinions.
    1. 6 billion $$ in political ads..OMG!! Networks have to be very happy. But what about these ads, NO rules say anything you want, lie etc. with no repurcussions...
    Regarding political ads, Did you see Montanas ballot initiative on Campaign Finance reform.Here it is


    Ballot initiative I-166 establishes a state policy that corporations are not entitled to constitutional rights because they are not human beings, and charges Montana elected and appointed officials, state and federal, to implement that policy. With this policy, the people of Montana establish that there should be a level playing field in campaign spending, in part by prohibiting corporate campaign contributions and expenditures and by limiting political spending in elections. Further, Montana’s congressional delegation is charged with proposing a joint resolution offering an amendment to the United States Constitution establishing that corporations are not human beings entitled to constitutional rights.
    It passed with a large majority (over 70%).
    Not only do I love the intent, but I love the fact that the people are truly telling their reps and senators specifically what to do.
    Will we ever UNDO the Citizens United decision?? God I hope so!!!!!
    2. This one really HURT even more than the Collins win. In Massachusetts a "Death with Dignity" initiative was placed on the ballot. Basically it would permit physicians to prescribe medication intented to end a terminally ill patient's life..The initiative is still to close to call BUT it looks like it won't pass...I really don't get it, with all the talk about freedom and choice in the country we still can't get the right to die with dignity. The nursing home, etc. lobby must have spent a bunch on that one..By the way on the same ballot Medical marijuana was approved..I guess they will let you "forget" about your suffering in the short term...But long term you are staying in that bed to suffer and to keep paying the bills...

  2. I didn't know about that Ballot initiative. I know that Montana had laws on the books to prevent campaign finance corruption but were overruled by the Citizens United Decision. It is reassuring to see them fight back.
    It was also great to see that with all Alderson and the Koch Brothers' money that they did not win. Looks like Alderson won't get that tax break he was trying to buy.
    Liberty and choices don't apply to a women's right to choose, a person's right to die with dignity and the right to self-medicate (at least the drug of your choice).
    Liberty with a lot of conditions apparently. Thanks Cuz for the kind words and support.

  3. Good post, I don't think I've seen it said better any place else. What I also found depressing is that there was minimal mention of climate change. Cuomo did more to talk about it after Sandy that Mitt and Obama combined. That, to me, shows how much the dialog has been skewed over the last 15 years. It is going to be interesting to see what the Reps do now, they have elected a few Tea Baggers, e.g. Cruz from down here, rejected a few, and had some of them lose elections. I think this is the beginning of the end for the current incarnation of the Rep party. Several economists are forecasting significant economic growth with unemployment to drop below 6.5%. If that happens I bet we see another Dem elected, quite possibly a liberal/progressive and movement left by the Reps. Right, and I'll get rich selling own shit.

  4. M64 - you hit that nail on the head. There was not a peep about climate change. However since the election I have it mentioned as one of his priorities. Hopefully we won't have to hear the words clean coal for awhile. I would like to hear the words "Manhattan Project" in reference to clean energy.
    If the Republican party continues down the Norquist/anti-Obamacare position they will probably cease to exist. As I have said to many of my reasonable Republican friends - I feel sorry for you. It would be nice to see the Whigs and Free Soil Party make a comeback.
